Aims and scope

The International Journal of Microsimulation (IJM) is the official online peer-reviewed journal of the International Microsimulation Association.

The journal is published 3 times per year, with a Spring, Summer and Winter issues.

The IJM covers research in all aspects of microsimulation modelling. It publishes high quality contributions making use of microsimulation models to address specific research questions in all scientific areas, as well as methodological and technical issues.

In particular, the IJM invites submission of five types of contributions: research articles, research notes, data watch, book reviews, and software reviews.

Research articles of interest to the IJM concern:

  • the description, validation, benchmarking and replication of microsimulation models;
  • results coming from microsimulation models, in particular policy evaluation and counterfactual analysis;
  • technical or methodological aspect of microsimulation modelling;
  • reviews of models and results, as well as of technical or methodological issues.

Research notes concern:

  • specific technical aspects of microsimulation modelling,
  • short case-studies illustrating the application of microsimulation models and their impacts on policy-making;
  • examples of good practice in microsimulation modelling.

Data watch refers to short research notes that describe (newly) available datasets and how they can be exploited for microsimulation studies.

Book reviews offer a discussion of recent books that might be of interest to the microsimulation community, or present a critical assessment in retrospect of the impact of "classic" contributions.

Software reviews are short contributions that describe advances in software development that are likely to be of interest to the journal readership, with a particular attention to open source software.

The journal also publishes thematic special issues containing historically relevant work for the microsimulation community, previously unpublished in journal or book form, such as documentation of landmark models. Occasionally, the journal might also republish relevant chapters from edited volumes, with permission from the original publisher, to facilitate access to important early microsimulation work. The original source of publication is always clearly indicated in the published articles.

If in doubt concerning the suitability of a particular manuscript, or if interested in editing a Special thematic issue, please contact the editor for further advice

  • The IJM is listed in EBSCOhost, EconLit, RePEc, Scopus.
  • The ISSN of the journal is 1747-5864.
  • The IDEAS/RePEc journal page can be accessed from here.
  • The IDEAS/RePEc impact factor of the journal is 3.855 (December 2023).
  • The journal ranking page can be accessed from here.



International Microsimulation Association

11 Porte Des Sciences, Esch-Sur-Alzette L-4366, Luxembourg.

Contact information