The importance of choosing the data set for tax-benefit analysis
Comparison between 2008 SHIW and 2009 IT-SILC.
Provider | Bank of Italy | Istat |
Frequency of data collection | Biannual | Annual |
Period of data collection | January-September 2009 | September-October 2009 |
Income reference period | 2008 | 2008 |
Coverage | Private households | Private households |
Statistical units | Households and individuals | Households and individuals |
Sample size (households) | 7,977 | 20,492 |
Sample size (individuals) | 19,907 | 51,196 |
Response rate | 56.1% | 85.5% |
Geographical Representativeness | Three Macro regions | Regional |
International comparability | No1 | Yes |
Sample design | Two-stage (first stratified) | Two-stage (first stratified) |
Data collection methodology | CAPI/PAPI | PAPI |
Gross income variables | No | yes (starting from 2007) |
Source: Our calculation and analysis of SHIW and IT-SILC.
Note: 1International comparability is not among the main aims of the SHIW. It can however be obtained upon adequate harmonization of main variables, such as the “lissification” procedure (see LIS project).
SHIW additional Information: Real-Estate Properties different from principal residence -Average yearly effective and imputed rent.
Frequencies % | Rented properties Effective Rent (c) Euro | Unrented properties Imputed Rent (d) Euro | (d/c)-1*100 Diff. % | |
Total units of building and real estate | 100 | 5,217 | 2,610 | −49.97 |
Residential buildings | 51.53 | 4,985 | 3,528 | −29.22 |
Offices | 1.46 | 7,914 | 5,686 | −28.15 |
Storehouses | 4.21 | 7,665 | 4,734 | −38.23 |
Shops | 4.11 | 7,195 | 5,743 | −20.18 |
Workshops | 0.52 | 4,860 | 11,892 | 144.68 |
Garages and basements | 7.45 | 3,179 | 1,280 | −59.74 |
Arable land | 25.56 | 2,570 | 1,146 | −55.39 |
Non-arable land | 5.15 | 4,350 | 856 | −80.33 |
Source: our elaboration on SHIW data.
Population Statistics: frequencies and their standard errors.
External source Frequencies (a) | Frequencies (b) | SHIW Standard error | Diff. % (b/a-1)*100 | Frequencies (c) | IT-SILC Standard error | Diff. % (c/a-1)*100 | |
Panel a: total population | |||||||
Total | 60,045,068 | 59,721,994 | 425,204 | −0.54 | 59,726,481 | 187,436 | −0.53 |
Males | 29,152,423 | 29,039,856 | 298,942 | −0.39 | 29,034,258 | 133,299 | −0.41 |
Females | 30,892,645 | 30,682,138 | 302,382 | −0.68 | 30,692,223 | 131,737 | −0.65 |
Panel b: Population by Geographical Partition | |||||||
North West | 15,917,376 | 15,832,738 | 243,504 | −0.53 | 15,821,674 | 99,431 | −0.60 |
North East | 11,473,120 | 11,351,612 | 162,575 | −1.06 | 11,387,593 | 63,830 | −0.75 |
Center | 11,798,328 | 11,708,006 | 192,699 | −0.77 | 11,720,956 | 76,598 | −0.66 |
South | 20,856,244 | 20,829,638 | 237,817 | −0.13 | 20,796,258 | 116,865 | −0.29 |
Panel c: Population by Regions | |||||||
Piemonte | 4,432,571 | 4,040,054 | 69,762 | −8.86 | 4,404,240 | 43,130 | −0.64 |
Valle D’Aosta | 127,065 | 213,437 | 9,954 | 67.97 | 128,551 | 1,773 | 1.17 |
Lombardia | 9,742,676 | 9,877,494 | 209,934 | 1.38 | 9,684,939 | 64,349 | −0.59 |
Trentino Alto Adige | 1,018,657 | 926,708 | 42,773 | −9.03 | 1,018,870 | 13,472 | 0.02 |
Veneto | 4,885,548 | 4,985,755 | 122,846 | 2.05 | 4,849,150 | 34,935 | −0.75 |
Friuli Venezia Giulia | 1,230,936 | 1,268,878 | 30,745 | 3.08 | 1,221,728 | 15,022 | −0.75 |
Liguria | 1,615,064 | 1,701,753 | 44,885 | 5.37 | 1,603,944 | 26,705 | −0.69 |
Emilia Romagna | 4,337,979 | 4,170,271 | 87,184 | −3.87 | 4,297,845 | 33,274 | −0.93 |
Toscana | 3,707,818 | 4,064,424 | 81,482 | 9.62 | 3,678,686 | 34,202 | −0.79 |
Umbria | 894,222 | 899,923 | 26,000 | 0.64 | 893,152 | 13,906 | −0.12 |
Marche | 1,569,578 | 1,632,901 | 35,183 | 4.03 | 1,559,290 | 18,397 | −0.66 |
Lazio | 5,626,710 | 5,110,758 | 146,875 | −9.17 | 5,589,828 | 46,453 | −0.66 |
Abruzzo | 1,334,675 | 989,980 | 37,424 | −25.83 | 1,322,333 | 22,113 | −0.92 |
Molise | 320,795 | 563,074 | 27,802 | 75.52 | 319,701 | 5,599 | −0.34 |
Campania | 5,812,962 | 5,121,838 | 125,890 | −11.89 | 5,796,817 | 52,115 | −0.28 |
Puglia | 4,079,702 | 3,859,146 | 106,992 | −5.41 | 4,074,872 | 41,321 | −0.12 |
Basilicata | 590,601 | 1,621,012 | 59,568 | 174.47 | 590,344 | 10,574 | −0.04 |
Calabria | 2,008,709 | 1,990,086 | 51,394 | −0.93 | 2,008,038 | 30,027 | −0.03 |
Sicilia | 5,037,799 | 4,811,870 | 126,081 | −4.48 | 5,024,861 | 62,789 | −0.26 |
Sardegna | 1,671,001 | 1,872,632 | 36,650 | 12.07 | 1,659,292 | 35,834 | −0.70 |
Source: our elaboration on DemoIstat, values as 1st January 2009 (External Source) and SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: Following EUROMOD conventions, in IT-SILC individuals who were born after the income reference period have been dropped (see Ceriani et al., 2012).
Population Statistics: frequencies and their standard errors.
Variable | External source Frequencies (a) | Frequencies (b) | SHIW Standard error | Diff. % (b/a-1)*100 | Frequencies (c) | IT-SILC Standard error | Diff. % (c/a-1)*100 |
Age 0–19 | |||||||
Italy | 11,408,746 | 10,669,166 | 179,935 | −6.48 | 10,760,931 | 83,853 | −5.68 |
North West | 2,811,590 | 2,530,113 | 96,815 | −10.01 | 2,673,483 | 43,519 | −4.91 |
North East | 2,069,019 | 2,164,051 | 72,273 | 4.59 | 1,958,606 | 28,342 | −5.34 |
Center | 2,106,040 | 1,737,163 | 75,409 | −17.52 | 1,955,060 | 32,628 | −7.17 |
South | 4,422,097 | 4,237,839 | 109,069 | −4.17 | 4,173,782 | 53,824 | −5.62 |
Age 20–65 | |||||||
Italy | 37,179,179 | 36,436,238 | 337,064 | −2.00 | 36,948,154 | 151,911 | −0.62 |
North West | 9,872,235 | 9,598,375 | 194,968 | −2.77 | 9,760,948 | 80,082 | −1.13 |
North East | 7,124,107 | 7,241,443 | 134,291 | 1.65 | 7,039,530 | 51,288 | −1.19 |
Center | 7,293,877 | 6,809,238 | 147,241 | −6.64 | 7,254,419 | 62,513 | −0.54 |
South | 12,888,960 | 12,787,182 | 186,642 | −0.79 | 12,893,257 | 95,458 | 0.03 |
Age > 65 | |||||||
Italy | 11,457,143 | 12,616,590 | 185,011 | 10.12 | 12,017,396 | 70,712 | 4.89 |
North West | 3,233,551 | 3,704,250 | 107,748 | 14.56 | 3,387,243 | 39,170 | 4.75 |
North East | 2,279,994 | 1,946,118 | 53,937 | −14.64 | 2,389,457 | 25,007 | 4.80 |
Center | 2,398,411 | 3,161,605 | 98,630 | 31.82 | 2,511,477 | 29,813 | 4.71 |
South | 3,545,187 | 3,804,617 | 98,284 | 7.32 | 3,729,219 | 40,583 | 5.19 |
Source: our elaboration on DemoIstat, values as 1st January 2009 (External Source) and SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: Following EUROMOD conventions, in IT-SILC individuals who were born after the income reference period have been dropped (see Ceriani et al., 2012).
Population by highest level of education attained: frequencies and their standard errors.
Variable | External source Frequencies (a) | Frequencies (b) | SHIW Standard error | Diff. % (b/a-1)*100 | Frequencies (c) | IT-SILC Standard error | Diff. % (c/a-1)*100 |
Elementary Education | |||||||
Italy | 12,379,000 | 11,980,676 | 174,686 | −3.22 | 11,576,464 | 73,665 | −6.48 |
North West | 2,980,000 | 2,740,537 | 95,718 | −8.04 | 2,854,287 | 37,062 | −4.22 |
North East | 2,323,000 | 1,748,543 | 51,924 | −24.73 | 2,234,921 | 24,530 | −3.79 |
Center | 2,271,000 | 2,533,318 | 79,516 | 11.55 | 2,226,255 | 28,632 | −1.97 |
South | 4,805,000 | 4,958,278 | 110,357 | 3.19 | 4,261,001 | 48,345 | −11.32 |
Lower Secondary | |||||||
Italy | 16,285,000 | 15,950,263 | 215,876 | −2.06 | 15,690,681 | 99,741 | −3.65 |
North West | 4,393,000 | 4,307,785 | 130,857 | −1.94 | 4,276,672 | 54,038 | −2.65 |
North East | 2,976,000 | 2,990,028 | 76,817 | 0.47 | 2,831,499 | 32,224 | −4.86 |
Center | 2,925,000 | 2,843,163 | 86,899 | −2.80 | 2,786,859 | 38,068 | −4.72 |
South | 5,991,000 | 5,809,287 | 125,616 | −3.03 | 5,795,651 | 63,650 | −3.26 |
Upper Secondary | |||||||
Italy | 17,077,000 | 17,915,782 | 238,861 | 4.91 | 17,830,531 | 101,128 | 4.41 |
North West | 4,751,000 | 5,009,707 | 135,033 | 5.45 | 4,886,090 | 53,287 | 2.84 |
North East | 3,471,000 | 3,882,779 | 99,289 | 11.86 | 3,628,807 | 36,691 | 4.55 |
Center | 3,666,000 | 3,529,855 | 107,904 | −3.71 | 3,798,268 | 44,818 | 3.61 |
South | 5,190,000 | 5,493,441 | 129,806 | 5.85 | 5,517,366 | 60,352 | 6.31 |
Tertiary | |||||||
Italy | 5,574,000 | 5,566,073 | 140,786 | −0.14 | 5,780,476 | 60,781 | 3.70 |
North West | 1,574,000 | 1,814,768 | 81,955 | 15.30 | 1,654,332 | 34,060 | 5.10 |
North East | 1,053,000 | 983,817 | 57,247 | −6.57 | 1,087,134 | 19,946 | 3.24 |
Center | 1,297,000 | 1,421,667 | 80,259 | 9.61 | 1,305,711 | 25,910 | 0.67 |
South | 1,650,000 | 1,345,821 | 52,594 | −18.44 | 1,733,299 | 35,096 | 5.05 |
Source: our elaboration on Istat (2010d), SHIW and IT-SILC.
Note: Elementary education include the set of population who did not complete any education level or completed just the elementary school (grade 1 to 5). Lower secondary education is the group of people whose highest level of education is grade eight. Upper secondary education refers to people who received a diploma and Tertiary is the set of individuals who attain an undergraduate or graduate degree. Population is age 15 and more in the External Source and in SHIW, while it is age 16 and more in IT-SILC due to data availability.
Population Statistics: frequencies and their standard errors.
Variable | External source Frequencies (a) | Frequencies (b) | SHIW Standard error | Diff. % (b/a-1)*100 | Frequencies (c) | IT-SILC Standard error (c | Diff. % /a-1)*100 |
Employees | |||||||
Italy | 21,611,778 | 18,734,187 | 228,015 | −13.31 | 22,485,222 | 118,991 | 4.04 |
North West | 5,985,582 | 5,266,597 | 133,671 | −12.01 | 6,325,447 | 64,905 | 5.68 |
North East | 4,637,931 | 4,296,697 | 95,571 | −7.36 | 4,273,878 | 43,170 | −7.85 |
Center | 3,944,874 | 3,752,849 | 104,983 | −4.87 | 4,627,595 | 48,960 | 17.31 |
South | 5,734,778 | 5,418,044 | 116,004 | −5.52 | 7,258,302 | 70,304 | 26.57 |
Self-employed | |||||||
Italy | 6,117,343 | 5,438,250 | 155,809 | −11.10 | 6,717,910 | 71,173 | 9.82 |
North West | 2,067,939 | 1,712,138 | 98,638 | −17.21 | 1,840,272 | 40,080 | −11.01 |
North East | 1,280,320 | 1,217,732 | 65,355 | −4.89 | 1,308,766 | 24,974 | 2.22 |
Center | 1,488,679 | 1,045,498 | 68,217 | −29.77 | 1,393,713 | 26,769 | −6.38 |
South | 2,128,093 | 1,462,882 | 68,435 | −31.26 | 2,175,159 | 43,040 | 2.21 |
Pensioners | |||||||
Italy | 15,323,148 | 14,844,649 | 198,842 | −3.12 | 15,877,444 | 86,908 | 3.62 |
North West | 4,439,474 | 4,671,715 | 122,667 | 5.23 | 4,531,924 | 47,265 | 2.08 |
North East | 2,864,306 | 2,504,802 | 64,410 | −12.55 | 2,957,492 | 29,571 | 3.25 |
Center | 3,055,415 | 3,412,963 | 97,978 | 11.70 | 3,232,561 | 36,895 | 5.80 |
South | 4,476,872 | 4,255,169 | 101,464 | −4.95 | 5,155,467 | 51,590 | 15.16 |
Source: our elaboration on MEF (2013) (external source) and SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: We count among employees all those who receive employment income and similarly for self-employment and pensioners, consistently with the external sources. Notice that the sum of frequencies in the external sources by geographic partition does not sum up to the total. This is because there is income which cannot be assigned to any Italian region.
Population by sector of activity: frequencies and their standard errors.
Variable | External source Frequencies (a) | Frequencies (b) | SHIW Standard error | Diff. % (b/a-1)*100 | Frequencies (c) | IT-SILC Standard error ( | Diff. % c/a-1)*100 |
Agriculture | 1,287,100 | 878,337 | 44,619 | −31.76 | 1,107,662 | 30,118 | −13.94 |
Industry | 6,988,500 | 7,486,766 | 150,641 | 7.13 | 7,145,046 | 70,310 | 2.24 |
Services | 16,662,900 | 14,908,539 | 231,390 | −10.53 | 15,034,130 | 102,976 | −9.77 |
Source: our elaboration on Istat, Employment breakdown by industry (NACE Rev.2) – annual national data, 2009, wired at: http://dati.istat.it/?lang=en.
Yearly Net Incomes: averages and their standard errors.
SHIW | IT-SILC | Diff % | |||
euro (b) | Std. Err. | euro (c) | Std. Err. | (c/b-1)*100 | |
Employment Income | |||||
Italy | 15,950 | 2.17 | 15,887 | 2.13 | −0.40 |
North West | 17,633 | 4.63 | 17,277 | 4.24 | −2.02 |
North East | 15,724 | 3.82 | 16,212 | 4.32 | 3.11 |
Center | 16,998 | 5.02 | 16,177 | 4.90 | −4.83 |
South | 13,759 | 3.66 | 14,115 | 3.60 | 2.59 |
Self-Employment Income | |||||
Italy | 21,109 | 8.16 | 18,685 | 7.84 | −11.48 |
North West | 23,018 | 17.53 | 20,848 | 16.22 | −9.43 |
North East | 24,151 | 20.28 | 21,052 | 20.66 | −12.83 |
Center | 20,043 | 13.94 | 19,447 | 17.58 | −2.98 |
South | 17,105 | 9.78 | 14,527 | 9.00 | −15.07 |
Pension Income | |||||
Italy | 12,354 | 2.04 | 12,164 | 2.53 | −1.54 |
North West | 12,807 | 3.24 | 12,301 | 4.88 | −3.95 |
North East | 12,450 | 8.39 | 11,877 | 6.75 | −4.60 |
Center | 13,210 | 2.37 | 12,831 | 5.14 | −2.87 |
South | 10,881 | 2.11 | 11,708 | 2.95 | 7.61 |
Source: our elaboration on SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Yearly Net Incomes: poverty index, inequality index and their standard errors.
SHIW | IT-SILC | Diff % | ||||
index (b) | Std. Err. | index (c) | Std. Err. | (c/b-1)*100 | ||
Poverty Headcount index | 20.53 | 0.005 | 19.34 | 0.004 | −5.82 | |
Inequality Gini Index | 35.00 | 0.006 | 31.60 | 0.003 | −9.81 |
Source: our elaboration on SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: Poverty and Gini inequality computed on total household disposable income divided by the square root of household size
Comparison between External Sources and TABEITA (SHIWT and IT-SILCT) gross incomes.
Variable | External Source | No evasion | Evasion | |||||||
Frequencies | Amounts euro | Freq Diff% | Amount Diff% | Freq Diff% | Amount Diff% | Freq Diff% | Amount Diff% | Freq Diff% | Amount Diff% | |
Total taxable income | 41,466,397 | 782,593,452 | 3.54 | −4.47 | −0.72 | 9.64 | 3.54 | −8.69 | −0.72 | 3.23 |
Employment income | 21,611,778 | 418,740,720 | −13.31 | −14.61 | 4.04 | 5.94 | −13.31 | −14.67 | 4.04 | 5.72 |
Self-employment income | 6,117,343 | 109,565,087 | −11.10 | 30.30 | 9.82 | 44.63 | −11.10 | 0.96 | 9.82 | 0.34 |
Pension income | 15,323,148 | 213,594,560 | −3.12 | −1.75 | 3.62 | 6.53 | −3.12 | −1.96 | 3.62 | 6.28 |
Total deductions | 12,687,840 | 21,721,425 | −44.31 | 30.25 | −22.60 | 43.59 | −44.55 | 5.74 | −22.05 | 7.10 |
Net taxable income | 40,249,514 | 753,556,569 | 5.19 | −5.81 | 2.16 | 8.43 | 5.17 | −9.48 | 2.16 | 2.82 |
Total tax credit | 39,423,594 | 62,917,813 | −6.00 | 1.04 | 2.10 | 0.67 | −5.67 | 2.55 | 2.49 | 2.40 |
Net personal income tax Regional | 31,087,681 | 146,157,039 | 6.32 | −11.54 | 7.57 | 9.20 | 5.39 | −18.17 | 5.59 | −0.85 |
additional income tax | 30,652,846 | 8,633,217 | 7.83 | −9.20 | 9.10 | 7.87 | 6.88 | −13.46 | 7.09 | 1.13 |
Cadastral income main residence | 29,776,305 | 10,551,000 | −18.70 | 0.00 | −21.19 | 0.00 | −18.70 | 0.00 | −21.19 | 0.00 |
Cadastral income other buildings | 17,513,880 | 7,723,079 | −14.19 | 2.69 | −86.97 | −55.97 | −14.19 | 2.69 | −86.97 | −52.71 |
Source: our elaboration on MEF (2013) (External Source) and SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: Freq Diff % = frequencies SHIWT (IT-SILCT) over external source frequencies; Amount Diff % = amount in euro SHIWT (IT-SILCT) over external source amounts. The net personal income tax is the due tax, net of all tax credits. The net taxable income is the tax base, i.e. gross taxable income net of tax allowances.
Comparisons between External Sources and TABEITA (IT-SILCT) and IT-SILC gross incomes.
Variable | External source | IT-SILCT | IT-SILC | |||
Frequencies | Amounts million euro | Frequencies | Amounts million euro | Frequencies | Amounts million euro | |
Total taxable income | 41,466,397 | 782,593 | 40,993,736 | 795,174 | 41,048,992 | 848,645 |
Employment income | na | na | 21,485,120 | 428,534 | 21,485,120 | 431,602 |
Self-employment income | na | na | 7,498,613 | 129,802 | 7,498,613 | 171,175 |
Pension income | na | na | 16,541,269 | 240,099 | 16,677,270 | 245,868 |
Source: our elaboration on MEF (2013) (External Source) and IT-SILC data.
Note: “na” stands for not available. In fact, IT-SILC definition of gross employment, self-employment and pension income is not consistent with what provided in MEF aggregate tables used for validation of TABEITA (Table 10). As there exist no external sources to validate IT-SILC aggregated variables except for total taxable income we aggregated gross variables simulated using TABEITA (IT-SILCT) consistently with IT-SILC definition of gross variables and indirectly validate IT-SILC data. IT-SILC gross incomes are released as aggregate variables subject to administrative exact matching that we are not able to totally replicate in TABEITA. This explains the small differences between IT-SILCT and IT-SILC frequencies for pension income.
Comparisons between External Sources and TABEITA with calibration (IT – ) of cadastral incomes for building different from principal residence.
Variable | External Source | IT – |
Frequencies | Amounts euro | Evasion Freq Diff % | Amount Diff % | No evasion Freq Diff % | Amount Diff % | |
Total taxable income | 41,466,397 | 782,593,452 | 0.59 | 10.39 | 0.59 | 4.04 |
Employment income | 21,611,778 | 418,740,720 | 4.04 | 6.10 | 4.04 | 5.87 |
Self-employment income | 6,117,343 | 109,565,087 | 9.82 | 44.76 | 9.82 | 0.53 |
Pension income | 15,323,148 | 213,594,560 | 3.62 | 6.62 | 3.62 | 6.39 |
Total deductions | 12,687,840 | 21,721,425 | −22.72 | 43.75 | −22.07 | 7.20 |
Net taxable income | 40,249,514 | 753,556,569 | 3.35 | 9.19 | 3.36 | 3.65 |
Total tax credit | 39,423,594 | 62,917,813 | 2.12 | 0.38 | 2.36 | 2.05 |
Net personal income tax | 31,087,681 | 146,157,039 | 9.27 | 10.55 | 7.39 | 0.59 |
Regional additional income tax | 30,652,846 | 8,633,217 | 10.82 | 8.82 | 8.91 | 2.16 |
Cadastral income main residence | 29,776,305 | 10,551,000 | −21.19 | 0.00 | −21.19 | 0.00 |
Cadastral income other buildings | 17,513,880 | 7,723,079 | −56.83 | −6.65 | −56.83 | 0.26 |
Source: our elaboration on MEF (2013) (External Source) and IT-SILC data.
Note: Freq Diff % = frequencies IT – SILCf over external source frequencies; Amount Diff % = amount in euro IT – SILCf over external source amounts.
TABEITA (SHIWT and IT-SILCT) gross incomes. Averages and their standard errors.
Variable | No evasion | Evasion | ||||||
Average euro | Std. Err. | Average euro | Std. Err. | Average euro | Std. Err. | Average euro | Std. Err. | |
Total taxable income | 17,413.61 | 176.07 | 20,842.63 | 113.96 | 16,644.55 | 162.32 | 19,624.06 | 99.61 |
Employment income | 19,086.86 | 184.06 | 19,728.63 | 119.78 | 19,072.34 | 183.68 | 19,687.35 | 119.43 |
Self-employment income | 26,251.73 | 831.85 | 23,588.21 | 400.25 | 20,341.09 | 648.51 | 16,365.29 | 280.38 |
Pension income | 14,136.62 | 205.80 | 14,331.29 | 93.27 | 14,106.22 | 206.52 | 14,297.66 | 92.81 |
Total deductions | 4,003.99 | 82.94 | 3,176.11 | 40.75 | 3,264.82 | 69.93 | 2,352.12 | 30.27 |
Net taxable income | 16,764.81 | 170.18 | 19,870.83 | 106.74 | 16,113.46 | 158.51 | 18,843.63 | 95.18 |
Total tax credit | 1,715.53 | 7.12 | 1,573.64 | 3.97 | 1,735.05 | 7.16 | 1,594.42 | 3.95 |
Net personal income tax | 3,911.55 | 79.73 | 4,772.70 | 47.73 | 3,650.65 | 73.93 | 4,414.69 | 41.75 |
Regional additional income tax | 237.15 | 2.80 | 278.49 | 1.69 | 228.04 | 2.61 | 265.96 | 1.51 |
Cadastral income main residence | 435.84 | 3.68 | 449.60 | 2.82 | 435.84 | 3.68 | 449.60 | 2.82 |
Cadastral income other buildings | 527.71 | 20.24 | 1,490.07 | 39.08 | 527.71 | 20.24 | 1,600.44 | 41.98 |
Source: our elaboration on SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: Std. Err. refers to the standard error of the average.
TABEITA with calibration (IT – SILCτ) of cadastral incomes for building different from principal residence. Averages and their standard errors.
Variable | IT- |
No evasion | Evasion | |||
Average Euro | Std. Err. | Average Euro | Std. Err. | |
Total taxable income | 20,712.56 | 113.76 | 19,520.17 | 99.66 |
Employment income | 19,758.79 | 119.96 | 19,716.68 | 119.53 |
Self-employment income | 23,609.04 | 400.31 | 16,395.09 | 280.91 |
Pension income | 14,343.90 | 93.15 | 14,312.55 | 92.81 |
Total deductions | 3,184.75 | 40.78 | 2,355.07 | 30.36 |
Net taxable income | 19,780.29 | 106.7 | 18,774.24 | 95.33 |
Total tax credit | 1,568.60 | 3.95 | 1,591.00 | 3.96 |
Net personal income tax | 4,756.20 | 47.40 | 4,404.03 | 41.51 |
Regional additional income tax | 276.55 | 1.68 | 264.19 | 1.51 |
Cadastral income main residence | 449.60 | 2.82 | 449.60 | 2.82 |
Cadastral income other buildings | 953.51 | 13.88 | 1,024.14 | 14.91 |
Source: our elaboration on SHIW and IT-SILC data.
Note: Std. Err. refers to the standard error of the average.