1. Pensions and retirement
  2. Dynamic microsimulation
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The impact of the retirement decision and demographics on pension sustainability: A dynamic microsimulation analysis

  1. Concepció Patxot  Is a corresponding author
  2. Meritxell Solé  Is a corresponding author
  3. Guadalupe Souto  Is a corresponding author
  4. Martin Spielauer  Is a corresponding author
  1. Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
  2. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
  3. Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria
Research article
Cite this article as: C. Patxot, M. Solé, G. Souto, M. Spielauer; 2018; The impact of the retirement decision and demographics on pension sustainability: A dynamic microsimulation analysis; International Journal of Microsimulation; 11(2); 84-108. doi: 10.34196/ijm.00181
13 figures and 8 tables


Average wage and pension growth rates (1995–2060).

Sources: Annual Economic Database (1995–2008), European Commission and Spanish Social Security (2008–2060), authors’ calculations.

Behavioural versus non-behavioural model.
Effects of the 2011 reform on the level of entry pensions (% change).
Effects of the 2011 reform on the number of entry pensions (% change).
Effects of the 2011 reform on the pension expenditure to wage bill ratio (% change).
Educational attainment by gender.

Source: Authors’ calculations based on MEC (2010).

Proportion of population with university studies employed in the highest contribution group.
The effect of education on pensions (% change).

Notes: LE represents the “lower education” scenario and AO the “absence of over-education” scenario as explained in the text.

Labour force evolution (2008–2060). Baseline.
The effect of higher female participation on pensions (changes in %).
Effect of the current crisis on pensions (level and number).
Effect of the current crisis on other indicators.
Effect of the current crisis on pensions (level and number).


Table 1
Retirement model (Hazard ratios).
Men Women
Age 43.08 ** 77.87 **
Age Sq. 0.972 ** 0.968 **
Secondary studies 1.050 ** 1.142 **
University studies 1.062 ** 1.271 **
First year retired 2.042 ** 2.545 **
Unemployed 0.313 ** 0.000
Unemployment benefit 1.000 * 1.000
Wage (1000 € change) 0.994 ** 0.993 **
PV(a) 0.995 ** 0.992 **
Time to max. pension 0.930 ** 0.968
Age at max. pension 1.000 1.000
Replacement rate 1.146 ** 1.199
Minimum pension 0.926 ** 0.862 **
Months since eligible(log) 2.627 ** 3.182 **
Unemployment rate 0.986 ** 0.991
Constant 0.000 ** 0.000 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    **Significant at 10º% level.

  4. (d)

    Difference with respect to maximum pension, 1000 € change.

Table A.1
Hazard rate model for retirement with SSW incentives.
Hazard ratio
Standard error Women
Hazard ratio
Standard error
Age 154.48 47.83 ** 9.909 4.223 **
Age Sq. 0.952 0.002 ** 0.971 0.003 **
Secondaty studies 0.916 0.028 ** 0.890 0.045 **
Universitary studies 0.943 0.032 * 0.966 0.062
First year retired 4.176 0.164 ** 3.805 0.409 **
Unemployed 0.673 0.026 ** 0.726 0.038 **
Unemployed benefit 0.287 0.069 ** 0.222 0.072 **
Wage (1000 € change) 0.910 0.000 ** 0.943 0.000 **
SSW 1.000 0.000 ** 1.000 0.000 **
PV(a) 0.994 0.000 1.000 0.000
Time to PV 0.899 0.015 ** 0.892 0.022 **
Age at PV 1.002 0.000 ** 1.002 0.000 **
Replacement rate 0.972 0.015 * 1.151 0.037 *
Minimum pension 1.391 0.050 ** 2.131 0.101 **
Months since elegible (log) 1.937 0.031 ** 1.554 0.037 **
BR (1000 € change) 1.002 0.000 ** 1.000 0.000 **
Unemployment rate 1.009 0.002 ** 1.018 0.004 **
Constant 0.000 0.000 ** 0.000 0.000 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

Table B.1
Yearly wage estimations Dependent variable: yearly wage (full-time equivalent).
Men Coef Std. Err. Women Coef. Std. Err.
Past wage 0.516 0.000 ** 0.560 0.000 **
Age 802.42 1.783 ** 633.54 2.153 **
Age Sq. −5.097 0.022 ** −4.022 0.027 **
Immigrant −1846.89 9.804 ** −976.68 12.80 **
Secondary studies 1022.91 5.031 ** 1059.16 5.946 **
University studies 1686.27 8.564 ** 2366.83 8.063 **
Experience 0.042 0.000 ** 0.051 0.000 **
Experience Sq. 0.000 0.000 ** 0.000 0.000 **
Non-manual work 1503.31 4.943 ** 1360.39 5.698 **
Qualified work 3733.78 11.29 ** 3905.67 12.33 **
Year of birth 355.12 0.314 ** 279.10 0.401 **
Unemployment rate 27.13 0.459 ** 45.01 0.548 **
Constant −714479.50 629.37 ** −563384.90 803.22 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

Table D.1
Unemployment probabilities for people older than 58 (Logit model).
Men Coef. Std. Err. Women Coef. Std. Err.
Coef. Std. Err. Coef. Std. Err.
Age 3.070 0.472 ** 0.675 0.386 *
Age Sq. −0.025 0.004 ** −0.006 0.003 *
Immigrant −0.574 0.062 ** −0.070 0.0780
Secondary studies −0.279 0.063 ** −0.146 0.066 **
University studies −1.704 0.395 * −1.516 0.476 **
Experience 0.011 0.006 * −0.018 0.005 **
Experience Sq. −0.000 0.000 * 0.000 0.000 **
Non-manual work −0.555 0.064 ** −0.208 0.050 **
Qualified work 0.439 0.385 0.437 0.460
Unemployment rate 0.080 0.004 ** 0.0230 0.004 **
Constant −94.45 14.599 ** −21.153 12.001 *
  1. (a)

    *Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

Table E.1
Retirement model 2005–2014 vs. 2005–2010.
Men Model 1 Model 2 Women Model 1 Model 2
Age 21.22 ** 43.08 ** 0.829 ** 77.87 **
Age Sq. 0.976 ** 0.972 ** 0.968 **
Secondary studies 0.973 1.050 ** 0.857 1.142 **
University studies 1.152 ** 1.062 ** 0.932 1.271 **
First year retired 11.22 ** 2.042 ** 7.252 ** 2.545 **
Unemployed 0.656 ** 0.313 ** 0.692 ** 0.000
Unemployment benefit 0.156 ** 1.000 * 0.213 ** 1.000
Wage (1000 € change) 0.992 ** 0.994 ** 0.992 ** 0.994 **
PV(a) 0.953 ** 0.998 ** 0.899 ** 0.993 **
Time to max. pension 0.995 * 0.930 ** 1.002 0.968
Age at max. pension 1.000 * 1.000 1.000 1.000
Replacement rate 1.074 ** 1.146 ** 1.131 ** 1.199
Minimum pension 1.124 * 0.926 ** 1.438 ** 0.862 **
Months since eligible(log) 1.329 ** 2.627 ** 1.476 ** 3.182 **
Unemployment rate 1.012 ** 0.986 ** 1.012 * 0.991
Constant 5454.00 ** 0.000 ** 6453.00 ** 0.000 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

  4. (d)

    Difference with respect to maximum pension, 1,000 € change.

Table E.2
Inclusion of disability.
Men Model 1 Model 2 Women Model 1 Model 2
Disability degree 0.993 ** 0.995
Dummy disability 0.751 ** 0.841
Age 43.08 ** 43.31 77.87 ** 78.16 **
Age Sq. 0.972 ** 0.972 ** 0.968 ** 0.968 **
Secondary studies 1.050 ** 1.049 * 1.142 ** 1.143 **
University studies 1.062 ** 1.061 * 1.271 ** 1.270 **
First year retired 2.042 ** 2.042 ** 2.545 ** 2.542 **
Unemployed 0.313 ** 0.315 ** 0.000 0.000
Unemployment benefit 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 1.000
Wage (1000 € change) 0.993 ** 0.993 ** 0.992 ** 0.992 **
PV(a) 0.994 ** 0.994 ** 0.993 ** 0.993 **
Time to max. pension 0.930 ** 0.930 ** 0.968 0.968
Age at max. pension 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
Replacement rate 1.146 ** 1.147 ** 1.199 1.200
Minimum pension 0.926 ** 0.926 ** 0.862 ** 0.862 **
Months since eligible(log) 2.627 ** 2.629 ** 3.182 ** 3.180 **
Unemployment rate 0.986 ** 0.986 ** 0.991 * 0.991
Constant 0.000 ** 0.000 ** 0.000 ** 0.000 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

  4. (d)

    Difference with respect to maximum pension, 1,000 € change.

Table E.3
Inclusion of marriage/partnership.
Men Model 1 Model 2 Women Model 1 Model 2
Married/partnership 1.078 ** 1.005
Age 43.08 ** 44.05 ** 77.87 ** 70.42 **
Age Sq. 0.972 ** 0.972 ** 0.968 ** 0.968 **
Secondary studiesa 1.050 ** 1.061 ** 1.142 ** 1.131 **
University studies 1.062 ** 1.072 * 1.271 ** 1.265 **
First year retired 2.042 ** 2.059 ** 2.545 ** 2.415 **
Unemployed 0.313 ** 0.357 * 0.000 0.000
Unemployment benefit 1.000 * 1.000 * 1.000 1.000
Wage (100 € change) 0.994 ** 0.994 ** 0.993 ** 0.993 **
PV(a) 1.000 ** 1.000 ** 0.999 ** 0.999 **
Time to max. pension 0.930 ** 0.932 ** 0.968 0.984
Age at max. pension 0.993 0.994 0.994 0.994
Replacement rate 1.146 ** 1.140 ** 1.199 1.210
Minimum pension 0.926 ** 0.941 ** 0.862 ** 0.880 **
Months since eligible(log) 2.627 ** 2.716 ** 3.182 ** 3.058 **
Unemployment rate 0.986 ** 0.987 ** 0.991 0.999
Constant 0.000 ** 0.000 ** 0.000 ** 0.000 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

  4. (d)

    Difference with respect to maximum pension, 1,000 € change.

Table F.1
Retirement decision (Probit model).
Men Coef. Std. Err. Women Coef. Std. Err.
Age 3.594 0.144 ** 3.554 0.183 **
Age Sq. −0.027 0.001 ** −0.027 0.001 **
Secondary studies 0.041 0.021 * 0.152 0.028 **
University studies −0.015 0.026 0.318 0.055 **
First year retired 0.834 0.055 ** 0.918 0.069 **
Unemployed −0.937 0.364 **
Unemployment benefit −0.000 0.000 *
Wage (100 € change) −0.000 0.000 ** −0.001 0.000 **
PV −0.000 0.000 ** −0.001 0.000 **
Time to max. pension −0.100 0.012 ** −0.064 0.017 **
Replacement rate 0.384 0.073 ** 0.267 0.133 **
Minimum pension −0.065 0.021 ** −0.163 0.027 **
Months since eligible(log) 0.928 0.064 ** 0.904 0.077 **
Unemployment rate −0.019 0.005 ** −0.016 0.007 **
Constant −118.203 4.682 ** −118.817 5.989 **
  1. (a)

    Base category: less than secondary.

  2. (b)

    **Significant at 5º% level.

  3. (c)

    *Significant at 10º% level.

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