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Labour supply and demand
Exploring the importance of incentive responses for policy projections
Justin van de Ven
Volume 10(3) Winter 2017
Taxes and benefits
Regressivity-reducing VAT reforms
Francesca Gastaldi et al.
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Consumption, savings and wealth
Labour supply and demand
Dynamic microsimulation
Parameterising a detailed dynamic programming model of savings and labour supply using cross-sectional data
Justin W. van de Ven
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Labour supply and demand
Estimating and simulating with a random utility random opportunity model of job choice. Presentation and application to Belgium
Bart Capéau et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Spatial microsimulation
Intertemporal income in Ireland 1996–2011 – a spatial analysis
Paul Kilgarriff et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
The COMPARE microsimulation model and the U.S. Affordable Care Act
Amado Cordova et al.
Volume 6(3) Winter 2013
Consumption, savings and wealth
Modelling private wealth accumulation and spend-down in the Italian microsimulation model CAPP_DYN: A life-cycle approach
Simone Tedeschi et al.
Volume 6(2) Autumn 2013
Pensions and retirement
Accrued pension rights in Belgium: Micro-simulation of reforms
Alain Jousten et al.
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Micro-macro linkage
Welfare and poverty impacts of trade liberalization: A dynamic CGE microsimulation analysis
Selim Raihan
Volume 3(1) Spring 2010
Taxes and benefits
Micro-macro linkage
Combining microsimulation with CGE and macro modelling for distributional analysis in developing and transition countries
James B. Davies
Volume 2(1) Spring 2009