Creating a synthetic database for use in microsimulation models to investigate alternative health care financing strategies in Canada
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Map of data sources used to supplement the SPSD with health information.
Abbreviations: NPD = Nation Physicians Database; CCHS = Canadian Community Health Survey; PUMF = Public Use Microdata File; CHMS = Canadian Health Measures Survey; HIAD = Health Insurance Access Database; NHEX = National Health Expenditures report; SHS = Survey of Household Spending; SPSD = Social Policy Simulation Database.

Validation of imputed hospitalization costs.
Abbreviations: CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey; SPSD-Health-Social Policy Simulation Database-Health.

Validation of imputed medication costs.
Abbreviations: CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey; SPSD-Health-Social Policy Simulation Database-Health.

Validation of imputed drug insurance status.
Abbreviations: CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey; SPSD-Health-Social Policy Simulation Database-Health.

Validation of out-of-pocket costs for health services.
Abbreviations: SHS-Survey of Household Spending; SPSD-Health-Social Policy Simulation Database-Health.
Table of data source and methods used to impute costs of health services and out-of-pocket costs.
Cost type | Data source | Method | Matching/ Imputation Variables | |
1. | Cost per visit to physicians | Schedule of costs form the NPD, publicly available from CIHI | Simple multiplication of unit cost per-visit by number of physician visits reported in the CCHS 2009/10 PUMF | n/a |
2. | Cos per visit allied health professionals | Schedule of costs from Association of Workers Compensation Boards of Canada (AWCBC), publicly available from AWCBC | Simple multiplication of unit cost per-visit by number and type of allied health professional visit reported in the CCHS 2009/10 PUMF | n/a |
3. | Hospitalization costs | CCHS 2007/08 linked to the CIHI DAD for the calendar year 2008–2009 | Annual hospitalization costs were calculated for hospitalized respondents of the CCHS 2007/08linked to the DAD 2008–2009. Hospitalization costs were imputed onto the CCHS 2009/10 PUMF using “hot-deck” methods. | Separate imputations for males and females. Age, income, chronic disease and disability status |
4. | Prescription drug costs | CHMS and British Colombia Drug Atlas 2nd edition. Reference population/period is the British Columbia population in 2006- Publicly available from the University of British Columbia |
Average annual cost of drugs by class is assigned to respondents of the CHMS 2007 to 2011. Drug costs are then imputed onto CCHS 2009/10 PUMF, using “hot-deck” methods. | Separate imputations for males and females. Age, income and chronic disease status. |
5. | Prescription drug insurance | CCHS 2007 Rapid Response | Hot-deck | Separate imputations for males and females. Age, income and chronic disease status. |
6. | Prescription drug insurance eligibility | HIAD | Assignment | n/a |
7. | Out-of-pocket costs for health care | SHS | Hot-deck | Income |
8. | Per-capita healthcare costs | CIHI NHEX | Assignment | n/a |
Abbreviations: NPD = Nation Physicians Database; CIHI = Canadian Institute of Health Information; DAD = Discharge Abstract Database; CCHS = Canadian Community Health Survey; PUMF = Public Use Microdata File; CHMS = Canadian Health Measures Survey; HIAD = Health Insurance Access Database; NHEX = National Health Expenditures report; SHS = Survey of Household Spending
Summary of populations excluded from the health surveys.
Data source | Data type | Exclusions |
CCHS | Population-based survey | • Children younger than 12 years • Persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements. • Full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces. • Residents of institutions including institutions for the elderly and prisons. • Some remote areas of Quebec |
CHMS | Population-based survey | • Cycle 1 excluded children under 6 years • Cycle 2 excluded children under 3 years • Persons living in the 3 territories, Yukon, Northwest Territories and Nunavut. • Persons living on reserves and other Aboriginal settlements. • Full-time members of the Canadian Armed Forces. • Residents of institutions including institutions for the elderly and prisons. • Some remote areas of Canada. |
Abbreviations: CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey; CHMS-Canadian Health Measures Survey.
Data dictionary of the SPSD-health.
Variable description | Data source | Variable type | Categories |
Chronic health condition | CCHS | Numeric | 0-None, 1-One, 2-Two + |
Disability flag | CCHS | Categorical | 0-No- 1-Yes |
Imputed prescription drug insurance status | CCHS | 0-No- 1-Yes |
Self-perceived health | CCHS | Categorical | 0-poor-4-excellent, 5 not stated |
Self-perceived mental health | CCHS | Categorical | 0-poor-4-excellent, 5 not stated |
Health Utility Index, category | CCHS | Categorical | 0-None, 1-Mild, 2-Moderate, 3-Severe |
Annual cost per capita for any doctor | NHEX | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost per capita of hospital stay | NHEX | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost per capita of other professionals | NHEX | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost per capita of drugs | NHEX | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost for visits to family doctor | CCHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost for visits to specialist doctor | CCHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost for visits to eye doctor | CCHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost for visits to physio | CCHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost for visits to SAOT | CCHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual cost for visits to PSYCH | CCHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Imputed annual cost of hospital stay | DAD | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Imputed annual cost of drugs | CHMS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for prescribed drugs | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for other medicines and pharmaceutical products drugs | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for healthcare supplies | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for physician care | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for eye care goods and services | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for dental services | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for hospital care | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for healthcare practitioners | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Annual OOP costs for other medical services | SHS | Numeric-dollars | 0-max |
Abbreviations: CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey; NHEX-Nation Health Expenditures Survey; DAD-Discharge Abstract Database; CHMS-Canadian Health Measures Survey; SHS-Survey of Household Spending; OOP-Out-of-pocket; SAOT-Speech language pathologist, audiologist or occupational therapist; PSYCH-Psychologist
Validation of match merging of SPSD-Health to CCHS.
Health care cost type | % with family doctor cost | % with specialist doctor cost | % with eye doctor cost | % with hospital cost | % with medication cost | |||||
Data source | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H |
Weighted % (percent) | 76.8 | 75.7 | 29.8 | 28.8 | 39.7 | 40.6 | 6.5 | 6.0 | 57.1 | 54.2 |
Average cost ($) | 134 | 131 | 180 | 179 | 92 | 90 | 10,129 | 10,242 | 925 | 899 |
Median cost ($) | 89 | 89 | 108 | 108 | 75 | 75 | 4,451 | 4,537 | 669 | 578 |
Minimum cost ($) | 27 | 27 | 51 | 51 | 42 | 42 | 578 | 578 | 48 | 48 |
Maximum cost ($) | 1,584 | 1,584 | 1,008 | 1,008 | 1181 | 1,181 | 613,342 | 537,324 | 5,375 | 5,375 |
Abbreviations: SPSD-H Social Policy Simulation Database-Health; CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey
Validation of match-merging of SPSD-Health to CCHS.
Health care cost type | % with prescription drug insurance | % with physiotherapy cost | % with chiropractic cost | % with speech language pathologist/audiologist/occupational therapist cost | % with psychologist cost | |||||
Data source | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H | CCHS | SPSD-H |
Weighted % (percent) | 73.3 | 72.6 | 9.6 | 9.2 | 11.5 | 11.3 | 2.5 | 2.5 | 3.5 | 3.7 |
Average cost ($) | n/a | n/a | 347 | 340 | 287 | 281 | 142 | 150 | 659 | 681 |
Median cost ($) | n/a | n/a | 216 | 215 | 189 | 189 | 79 | 79 | 433 | 519 |
Minimum cost ($) | n/a | n/a | 31 | 31 | 27 | 27 | 33 | 33 | 86 | 86 |
Maximum cost ($) | n/a | n/a | 1,992 | 1,992 | 1,627 | 1,627 | 1,075 | 1,075 | 2,433 | 2,433 |
Abbreviations: SPSD-H Social Policy Simulation Database-Health; CCHS-Canadian Community Health Survey