Scale of analysis |
Per hectare net carbon storage or emissions in a given year. |
Bateman and Lovett (2000): Per hectare net carbon storage or emissions in one year.NIR (2018): National Carbon Stock Change (CSC) over time. |
Period of analysis |
200 years. To accommodate approx. 4 rotations of SS (dep on YC) to allow for consideration of half-life of Harvested Wood Products (HWP). Replanting is assumed in the year following harvest. |
Bateman and Lovett (2000) model extends to 1000 yearsNIR (2018): Annual CSC 1990 – 2016 |
Yield Class (YC) |
Yield classes14-24 are analysed. YC14 is lower bound for eligibility for afforestation grants and subsidies. |
NIR (2018) reports across all historic and current YCs.Bateman and Lovett (2000) estimate YC 6 – 24. |
[1] C-ForBES Forest ManagementAssumptions derived from Teagasc FIVE (see Ryan et al., 2018) |
[1a] Tree species:Forest Investment and Valuation Estimator (FIVE):Sitka spruce (SS), which is the most commonly planted conifer in Ireland.To reduce complexity a simplifying assumption is made to model one hectare of pure SS (see [2] and [11]) as cost, growth and price data in FIVE are not as robust for mixtures of broadleaf and conifers.However, productive area is modelled at 85% to account for broadleaf component. In this analysis therefore, carbon sequestration from broadleaves is not modelled. |
NIR (2018) estimates CSC for all species planted in Ireland.Bateman and Lovett (2000) model and map C storage for SS and Beech in Wales |
“The forest must contain a minimum of 15% broadleaves by area. This can comprise: broadleaves planted in broadleaf GPC plots of minimum width; and/or broadleaves planted as part of the 'at least 10% diverse' requirement for GPC 3; and/or additional broadleaves planted for environmental and landscape reasons”
[1b] Forest Yield:Merchantable Timber Volume (MTV)(Edwards and Christie, 1981) |
NIR (2018) is based on a range of models including FORCARB (based on Edwards and Christie, 1981), CARBWARE & Carbon Budget Model (CBM) (NIR, 2019).Bateman and Lovett (2000): MTV from (Edwards and Christie, 1981) and combine with data on carbon storage in Sitka spruce (Cannell and Cape, 1991) to plot thin and no-thin carbon storage curves. |
[1c] Thinning:Marginal Thinning Intensity (MTI)15 @5 year intervals from Edwards and Christie (1981)
NIR (2018)/Bateman and Lovett (2000) also use this static thinning assumption. |
[1d] Rotation:‘Reduced rotation’ = (Age of max MAI – 20%)16 (Phillips, 1998; Anon, 1977, ). |
NIR (2018)rotation = max MAI from CARBWARE (Black, 2016).Bateman and Lovett (2000) estimates felling year (F) based on age of max NPV for given species, YC and discount rate – see Bateman (1996)
[2] ForSubs model (Ryan et al. (2016)
Forest subsidy:General Planting Category GPC3 (10% Diverse Conifer, e.g. Sitka spruce and 10% broadleaves)€510/ha/year - paid annually for 15 years for first rotation only |
GPC 3 – 10% Diverse Conifer/Broadleaf:Comprises of a mix of Sitka Spruce/Lodgepole pine together with at least 10% Diverse conifer (approved conifer other than SS/LP). Broadleaves adjacent to roads and watercourses may also form part of this 10%
[3] CostsTeagasc FIVE (Ryan et al., 2018) |
Ground preparation, fencing, planting, maintenance, insurance, replanting. |
[4] Timber prices |
Coillte (State forestry body) 10 year average timber pricesAnnual timber price series published annually by Irish Timber Growers Association (ITGA) (see Symons et al. (1994); Teagasc (2019)) |
[5] NPV discount rate |
The conventional discount rate used for forestry in Ireland is 5% (Clinch, 1999). |
Bateman and Lovett (2000) also use a discount rate of 5% for forest NPVs. |
[6] Soil organic matter (SOM) |
Analysis assumes land use change on grassland on mineral soil only with no change in SOC.In the sensitivity analysis of planting on mineral or peat soils, the coefficients from NIR (2012) are used. |
NIR (2018) assumes (a) no carbon stock change on the planting of forests on mineral soils and (b) a mean organic soil EF of 0.59 t C/ha/year over the first rotation (50 years) as organic soils are not a source following successive rotations (Byrne and Farrell, 2005).Bateman and Lovett (2000) assume long term net gain of soil carbon (50 t C ha-1 on mineral soils) or loss (750 t C ha-1 on peat soils) occurring within 200 years. |
NIR (2018) categorises Irish soils into three major groupings based on soil carbon characteristics. All mineral soils are grouped together, while all organic soils with an organic layer greater than 30 cm are classified as peat. Finally, organic soils with an organic layer less than 30 cm are classified as peaty/mineral.CARBINE (Temperli et al., 2020): V Changes in soil carbon are assumed to take place in response to land use change. Magnitude and changes over time are estimated according to soil type (texture) and major land use category. |
[7] Early growth |
We use a logistic function to interpolate early growth and the growth in 5 year intervals recorded in Edwards and Christie (1981) models. |
NIR (2018) uses a modified expo-linear growth function (Monteith, 2002) to simulate early annual growth.Bateman and Lovett (2000) fitted an S shaped curve to Edwards and Christie (1981) data |
Carbon mass of Sitka spruce (SS) |
[8] Basic density 0.387 (NIR, 2012, p. 123
) |
[9] Carbon fraction 0.5 (NIR, 2015, p. 123
) |
Biomass – above ground |
[10] Biomas Expansion Factor (BEF) follows NIR (2018) methodology. |
NIR (2015). A dynamic BEF is used in this analysis based on species, yield class and growth phase. Ranging from a value of 2 to 1.68 for lower YCs (14 & 16), 3 to 1.68 for YCs 18 & 20, 4 to 1.68 for the most productive YCs (22 & 24). A constant BEF of 1.68 is utilised once stand volume is equal to or greater than 200m
Bateman and Lovett (2000).estimated functional relationships for livewood. MTV is related to total woody volume (TWV) by allowing for branchwood, roots, etc. (Corbyn et al., 1988). |
NIR (2018): Based on the model developed by Dewar and Cannell (1992), (Kilbride et al., 1999) used a static value of 1.3 for all species, age and yield classes, while the 2012 NIR uses a value of 1.64. However, since the allocation of biomass between different forest components is dependent on species, yield class and the growth phase of the forest, current estimates of sink capacity have been revised to use age and species-specific BEF values that include the below ground fraction. |
[11] Productive area |
85% of the area taken out of agriculture is classified as productive area due to mandatory areas of biodiversity enhancement (ABE), set-back distances for roads, rivers, houses, fencing, unplantable terrain etc., (Ryan et al., 2018). |
In scaling up, NIR (2018) applies a 10% area reduction to account for open spaces. |
Biomass – below ground |
[12] Ratio of below ground to above ground biomass: 0.2Country specific ratio (NIR, 2015) |
Litter [13 ] LLF
represents the transfer of carbon from the above ground pool to the litter pool. It is simulated using derived leaf/needle biomass (LB) and the foliage turnover rates (Ft) from Thorne and Fingleton (2006):LLF
= LB × F
The F
rate is assumed to be 6.7 years for conifer crops and 1 year for broadleaf crops (Thorne and Fingleton, 2006). Needle biomass is calculated according to the equation defined in Annex 3.4.A.4 of NIR (2018):LB = 0.025 × AB + 0.089 × exp (−0.003 × AB)The litterfall LLF
is assumed to decompose at a rate of 14% per year (NIR (2018) p 222). |
NIR, 2018 – p197: Biomass carbon losses from the above ground biomass pool are calculated based on harvest (Ltimber), harvest residue (LHR), litter fall (LLF), above ground losses due to mortality (Lmort(AB)) and fire (Lfire):Ltimber is calculated based on the above ground biomass removed from harvest,LHR includes the harvest residue representing all stems and branches with a DBH less than 7cm and litter left on site after timber is removedLLF
reflects the transfer of carbon from the AB pool to the litter poolNIR (2018): Equation from NIR (Thorne and Fingleton, 2006) (needle turn- over is 6.7 years for conifers and annually for broadleavesCalculation of matter from equation in NIR, 2018Decomposition = 14% decline/yr p222 NIR, 2018
Bateman and Lovett (2000): litter is not modelled |
CARBINE (Temperli et al., 2020): Litter is not modelled |
Deadwood [14]Inflow is 1.6%Decomposition rate is 14% decline /year (Carbware) |
NIR (2018) Mortality:Growth, harvest and mortality derived from Edwards and Christie (1981) described by Black et al. (2012).Net deadwood stock changes (CDW) are derived from carbon inputs associated with timber extraction residue (Ltr), timber from mortality (Mtimber), dead roots from mortality (Lmort(BB)), roots from harvest (LHRroot) and carbon loss due to decomposition of the new and previously existing deadwood pool (DDW):Biomass carbon losses from the below ground biomass pool are calculated as the sum of losses due to death of roots after harvest (LHRroot), natural mortality of roots (Lmort(BB)) and root death following fire (Lfire).Bateman and Lovett (2000): Assume 5 year oxidation of deadwood |
[15] Harvest losses |
We assume differential harvest losses for each harvest as per Teagasc FIVE.Ist Thin – 14% loss of Merchantable Timber Volume (MTV)2nd Thin - 12% loss of MTVSubsequent Thin - 9%Clearfell/Final harvest – 5% |
NIR (2018) assumes static harvest losses of 4% |
Morison et al. (2012) include HL in HWP as they may not be immediately oxidised |
Wood fuel oxidation [16] |
34%In the 2017 Wood Flow report, 34% of forest biomass is used as wood fuel (Knaggs and O’Driscoll, 2017). |
HWP allocations [17] |
ForBES follows Pingoud & Wagner (2006) model (2006 IPCC guidelines)Assumes the same allocation of wood to the value chain from thinnings and from final harvest (scenario analysis to examine alternative scenario).Allocation of SW, WBP and PPB to HWPSW: 52%, WBP 48%.PPB: zero (no longer any paper production). |
Phimmavong and Keenan (2020) model (2006 IPCC guidelines) |
The UK CARBINE model (Temperli et al., 2020) allocates MTV to HWP pool (long-lived sawnwood, short-lived sawnwood, particleboard and paper), with remainder to waste. |
Saw-milling losses [18] |
SW: 50%WBP: 41% |
IPCC conversion factor [19] |
Conversion factor from C to CO
2: 3.67 |
3.67 |
A cost of USD 1 per tonne of carbon dioxide is equivalent to a cost of USD 3.67 per tonne of carbon. OECD |
Carbon Valuation [20] |
Carbon values applied as per Irish Government shadow price of carbon for 2019, 2020, 2030, 2040.Future carbon sequestration and emissions are discounted at 5%. |
NIR (2018) does not discount future carbon sequestration or emissions.Bateman and Lovett (2000) discount carbon at 5% and include scenario analysis for discount rates of 2 – 12% |
Annual Equivalised (AE) NPV per hectare [21] |
Assume no agricultural income in year of planting |