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dynamic microsimulation
Introducing CASCADEPOP: an open-source sociodemographic simulation platform for US health policy appraisal
Alan Brennan et al.
Volume 13(2) Summer 2020
Estimating Confidence Intervals in a Tax Microsimulation Model
Robert McClelland et al.
Volume 13(2) Summer 2020
IDMOD: An Australian microsimulation model of lifetime economic and social factors in familial intellectual disability
Deborah J Schofield et al.
Volume 13(1) Spring 2020
Dynamic microsimulation
The dynamic cross-sectional microsimulation model MOSART
Leif Andreassen et al.
Volume 13(1) Spring 2020
Taxes and benefits
French do it better. The distributive effect of introducing French family fiscal policies in Italy
Paolo Brunori et al.
Volume 13(1) Spring 2020
Labour supply and demand
Making work pay in Croatia: An ex-ante evaluation of two in-work benefits using miCROmod
Slavko Bezeredi et al.
Volume 12(3) Winter 2019
Spatial Microsimulation, Health
Spatial microsimulation of osteoarthritis prevalence at the small area level in England – Constraint selection for a 2-stage microsimulation process
Onosi Sylvia Ifesemen et al.
Volume 12(2) Summer 2019
Taxes and benefits
Gendered effects of the personal income tax: Evidence from a schedular system with individual filing in Uruguay
Marisa Bucheli, Cecilia Olivieri
Volume 12(2) Summer 2019
Editorial. SOUTHMOD: Modelling tax-benefit systems in developing countries
André Decoster et al.
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019
Taxes and benefits
Tax-benefit microsimulation and income redistribution in Ecuador
H Xavier Jara, Marcelo Varela
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019