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Browse our latest Labour supply and demand articles
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Labour supply and demand
Firm behaviour
Why complex, data demanding and difficult to estimate agent based models? Lessons from a decades long research program
Gunnar Eliasson
Volume 11(1) Spring 2018
Labour supply and demand
Structural labour supply models and microsimulation
Rolf Aaberge, Ugo Colombino
Volume 11(1) Spring 2018
Labour supply and demand
Exploring the importance of incentive responses for policy projections
Justin van de Ven
Volume 10(3) Winter 2017
Consumption, savings and wealth
Labour supply and demand
Dynamic microsimulation
Parameterising a detailed dynamic programming model of savings and labour supply using cross-sectional data
Justin W. van de Ven
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Labour supply and demand
Estimating and simulating with a random utility random opportunity model of job choice. Presentation and application to Belgium
Bart Capéau et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Labour supply and demand
Dynamic microsimulation
Imputing individual effects in dynamic microsimulation models an application to household formation and labour market participation in Italy
Matteo Richiardi, Ambra Poggi
Volume 7(2) Autumn 2014
Labour supply and demand
A new equilibrium simulation procedure with discrete choice models
Ugo Colombino
Volume 6(3) Winter 2013
Labour supply and demand
Projecting the impacts of illness on labour force participation: An application of Health&WealthMOD
Deborah Schofield et al.
Volume 4(3) Winter 2011
Labour supply and demand
Modelling the cost of ill health in Health&WealthMOD (Version II): Lost labour force participation, income and taxation, and the impact of disease prevention
Deborah Schofield et al.
Volume 4(3) Winter 2011
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