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Taxes and benefits
Tax-benefit systems, income distribution and work incentives in the European Union
H. Xavier Jara, Alberto Tumino
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Dynamic microsimulation
Simulating histories within dynamic microsimulation models
Jinjing Li, Cathal O’Donoghue
Volume 5(1) Spring 2012
Pensions and retirement
Micro simulations on the effects of ageing-related policy measures: The social affairs department of the Netherlands Ageing and Pensions Model
Jan-Maarten van Sonsbeek
Volume 4(1) Spring 2011
Taxes and benefits
FiFoSiM – An integrated tax benefit microsimulation and CGE model for Germany
Andreas Peichl, Thilo Schaefer
Volume 2(1) Spring 2009
Pensions and retirement
The financial implications of working longer: An application of a micro-economic model of retirement in Belgium
Gijs J. M. Dekkers
Volume 1(1) Autumn 2007