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Taxes and benefits
Improving the validity of microsimulation results: Lessons from Slovakia
Zuzana Siebertova et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Taxes and benefits
Endogenizing take-up of social assistance in a microsimulation model a case study for Germany
Jürgen Wiemers
Volume 8(2) Autumn 2015
Spatial microsimulation
Modelling the impact of declining Australian terms of trade on the spatial distribution of income
Yogi Vidyattama et al.
Volume 7(1) Spring 2014
Taxes and benefits
Taxation of married couples in Germany and the UK: One-Earner Couples Make the Difference
Stefan Bach et al.
Volume 6(3) Winter 2013
Taxes and benefits
EUROMOD: The European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model
Holly Sutherland, Francesco Figari
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Micro-macro linkage
Linking a microsimulation model to a dynamic CGE model: Climate change mitigation policies and income distribution in Australia
Hielke Buddelmeyer et al.
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Challenges and solutions in constructing a microsimulation model of the use and costs of medical services in Australia
Sharyn Lymer et al.
Volume 4(3) Winter 2011
Taxes and benefits
Taxation of closely held corporations – efficiency aspects
Peter Ericson, Johan Fall
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
The siena microsimulation model (SM2) for net-gross conversion of EU-silc income variables
Gianni Betti et al.
Volume 4(1) Spring 2011
Micro-macro linkage
Sequential linking of computable general equilibrium and microsimulation models: A comparison of behavioural and reweighting techniques
Nicolas Hérault
Volume 3(1) Spring 2010