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Taxes and benefits
Improving the validity of microsimulation results: Lessons from Slovakia
Zuzana Siebertova et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Taxes and benefits
Improving work incentives in Serbia: Evaluation of a tax policy reform using SRMOD
Saša Ranđelović, Jelena Žarković Rakić
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Taxes and benefits
Towards a European union child basic income?: Within and between country effects
Horacio Levy et al.
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Pensions and retirement
Accrued pension rights in Belgium: Micro-simulation of reforms
Alain Jousten et al.
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Taxes and benefits
The siena microsimulation model (SM2) for net-gross conversion of EU-silc income variables
Gianni Betti et al.
Volume 4(1) Spring 2011
Pensions and retirement
Micro simulations on the effects of ageing-related policy measures: The social affairs department of the Netherlands Ageing and Pensions Model
Jan-Maarten van Sonsbeek
Volume 4(1) Spring 2011
Taxes and benefits
FiFoSiM – An integrated tax benefit microsimulation and CGE model for Germany
Andreas Peichl, Thilo Schaefer
Volume 2(1) Spring 2009
Dynamic microsimulation of health care demand, health care finance and the economic impact of health behaviours: Survey and review
Martin Spielauer
Volume 1(1) Autumn 2007
Volume 11(2) Summer 2018