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Labour supply and demand
Making work pay in Croatia: An ex-ante evaluation of two in-work benefits using miCROmod
Slavko Bezeredi et al.
Volume 12(3) Winter 2019
Editorial. SOUTHMOD: Modelling tax-benefit systems in developing countries
André Decoster et al.
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019
Taxes and benefits
Policy transparency in the public sector: The case of social benefits in Tanzania
Gemma C Wright et al.
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019
Pensions and retirement
A role for universal pension? Simulating universal pensions in Ecuador, Ghana, Tanzania and South Africa
Maria Jouste, Pia Rattenhuber
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019
Taxes and benefits
Tax-benefit microsimulation and income redistribution in Ecuador
H Xavier Jara, Marcelo Varela
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019
Taxes and benefits
Microsimulation of child benefits: A review of studies
Ivica Urban, Martina Pezer
Volume 11(3) Winter 2018
The evaluation of fiscal consolidation strategies
Matus Senaj et al.
Volume 11(3) Winter 2018
Taxes and benefits
Distributional impacts of behavioral effects – ex-ante evaluation of the 2017 unemployment insurance reform in Finland
Mauri Kotamäki et al.
Volume 11(2) Summer 2018
Taxes and benefits
The Eurosystem household finance and consumption survey: A new underlying database for EUROMOD
Sarah Kuypers et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016
Taxes and benefits
Evaluating the quality of gross incomes in SILC: Compare them with fiscal data and re-calibrate them using EUROMOD
Dieter Vandelannoote et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016