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Browse our latest Taxes and benefits articles
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Taxes and benefits
Estimating the effects of a major reform in additional child benefits granted to German low-income households
Sven Stöwhase
Volume 2(2) Autumn 2009
Taxes and benefits
FiFoSiM – An integrated tax benefit microsimulation and CGE model for Germany
Andreas Peichl, Thilo Schaefer
Volume 2(1) Spring 2009
Taxes and benefits
Micro-macro linkage
Combining microsimulation with CGE and macro modelling for distributional analysis in developing and transition countries
James B. Davies
Volume 2(1) Spring 2009
Taxes and benefits
Income tax statistics analysis: A comparison of microsimulation versus group simulation
Heiko Müller, Caren Sureth
Volume 2(1) Spring 2009
Taxes and benefits
Micro-simulation in action: policy analysis in Europe using EUROMOD, by Olivier Bargain (2007)
Paul Williamson
Volume 1(1) Autumn 2007
Taxes and benefits
Tax-benefit microsimulation models in Eastern Europe
Orsolya Lelkes
Volume 1(1) Autumn 2007
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