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Browse our latest Taxes and benefits articles
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Taxes and benefits
Developing a static microsimulation model for the analysis of housing taxation in Italy
Simone Pellegrino et al.
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
A care time benefit as a timely alternative for the non-working spouse compensation in the Belgian tax system
Joris Ghysels et al.
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
Dual income tax reform in Germany: A microsimulation approach
Gerhard Wagenhals
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
Microsimulation of indirect taxes
André Decoster et al.
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
Taxation of closely held corporations – efficiency aspects
Peter Ericson, Johan Fall
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
The siena microsimulation model (SM2) for net-gross conversion of EU-silc income variables
Gianni Betti et al.
Volume 4(1) Spring 2011
Micro-macro linkage
Taxes and benefits
Tax Reform, Income Distribution and Poverty in Brazil: An Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
Joaquim B de de Souza Ferreira Filho et al.
Volume 3(1) Spring 2010
Taxes and benefits
A non-parametric microsimulation approach to assess changes in inequality and poverty
Rob Vos, Marco V. Sánchez
Volume 3(1) Spring 2010
Taxes and benefits
Tax and Benefit Policies in the Enlarged Europe: Assessing the Impact with Microsimulation models, by O. Lelkes and H. Sutherland (2009)
Gijs Dekkers
Volume 2(2) Autumn 2009
Taxes and benefits
Towards a multi-purpose framework for tax-benefit microsimulation: Lessons from EUROMOD
Herwig Immervoll, Cathal O’Donoghue
Volume 2(2) Autumn 2009
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