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Taxes and benefits
A tax-benefit model for Austria (AUTAX): Work incentives and distributional effects of the 2016 tax reform
Michael Christl et al.
Volume 10(2) Summer 2017
Taxes and benefits
Microreg: A traditional tax-benefit microsimulation model extended to indirect taxes and in-kind transfers
M Luisa Maitino et al.
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Taxes and benefits
The Eurosystem household finance and consumption survey: A new underlying database for EUROMOD
Sarah Kuypers et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016
Taxes and benefits
Evaluating the quality of gross incomes in SILC: Compare them with fiscal data and re-calibrate them using EUROMOD
Dieter Vandelannoote et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016
Labour supply and demand
Estimating and simulating with a random utility random opportunity model of job choice. Presentation and application to Belgium
Bart Capéau et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Spatial microsimulation
Intertemporal income in Ireland 1996–2011 – a spatial analysis
Paul Kilgarriff et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Taxes and benefits
Improving the validity of microsimulation results: Lessons from Slovakia
Zuzana Siebertova et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Taxes and benefits
Accounting for tax evasion profiles and tax expenditures in microsimulation modelling. The B
model for personal income taxes in Italy
Andrea Albarea et al.
Volume 8(3) Winter 2015
Labour supply and demand
Dynamic microsimulation
Imputing individual effects in dynamic microsimulation models an application to household formation and labour market participation in Italy
Matteo Richiardi, Ambra Poggi
Volume 7(2) Autumn 2014
Spatial microsimulation
Spatial microsimulation modelling: A review of applications and methodological choices
Cathal O’Donoghue et al.
Volume 7(1) Spring 2014