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Taxes and benefits
Impact assessment of alternative reforms of child allowances using RUSMOD – the static tax-benefit microsimulation model for Russia
Daria Popova
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Taxes and benefits
Tax-benefit systems, income distribution and work incentives in the European Union
H. Xavier Jara, Alberto Tumino
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Taxes and benefits
MIKMOD-ESt: A static microsimulation model of personal income taxation in Germany
Judith Flory, Sven Stöwhase
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Taxes and benefits
A microsimulation approach to an optimal Swedish income tax
Peter Ericson, Lennart Flood
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Micro-macro linkage
Linking a microsimulation model to a dynamic CGE model: Climate change mitigation policies and income distribution in Australia
Hielke Buddelmeyer et al.
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Gijs Dekkers
Volume 5(2) Autumn 2012
Taxes and benefits
Developing a static microsimulation model for the analysis of housing taxation in Italy
Simone Pellegrino et al.
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
A care time benefit as a timely alternative for the non-working spouse compensation in the Belgian tax system
Joris Ghysels et al.
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
Dual income tax reform in Germany: A microsimulation approach
Gerhard Wagenhals
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011
Taxes and benefits
Microsimulation of indirect taxes
André Decoster et al.
Volume 4(2) Autumn 2011