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Taxes and benefits
Quantifying the impacts of expanding social protection on efficiency and equity: Evidence from a behavioral microsimulation model for Ghana
Robert D Osei et al.
Volume 12(1) Spring 2019
Pensions and retirement
Care&WorkMOD: An Australian microsimulation model projecting the economic impacts of early retirement in informal carers
Rupendra N Shrestha et al.
Volume 11(3) Winter 2018
Spatial microsimulation
Simulating the joint distribution of individuals, households and dwellings in small areas
Trond Husby et al.
Volume 11(2) Summer 2018
Labour supply and demand
Firm behaviour
Why complex, data demanding and difficult to estimate agent based models? Lessons from a decades long research program
Gunnar Eliasson
Volume 11(1) Spring 2018
A brief, global history of microsimulation models in health: Past applications, lessons learned and future directions
Deborah J Schofield et al.
Volume 11(1) Spring 2018
MILC: A microsimulation model of the natural history of lung cancer
Stavroula A Chrysanthopoulou
Volume 10(3) Winter 2017
Microsimulations of demographic changes in England and wales under different EU referendum scenarios
Agnieszka M. Werpachowska, Roman Werpachowski
Volume 10(2) Summer 2017
A microsimulation model of fertility, childbearing, and child well-being
Adam Thomas et al.
Volume 10(2) Summer 2017
simSALUD: Design and implementation of an open-source wizard based spatial microsimulation framework
Melanie N Tomintz et al.
Volume 10(2) Summer 2017
Spatial microsimulation
A fine grained hybrid spatial microsimulation technique for generating detailed synthetic individuals from multiple data sources: An application to walking and cycling
Ian Philips et al.
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017