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Spatial microsimulation
A fine grained hybrid spatial microsimulation technique for generating detailed synthetic individuals from multiple data sources: An application to walking and cycling
Ian Philips et al.
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Taxes and benefits
Inequality and household size: A microsimulation for Uruguay
Veronica Amarante
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Taxes and benefits
Microreg: A traditional tax-benefit microsimulation model extended to indirect taxes and in-kind transfers
M Luisa Maitino et al.
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Taxes and benefits
The Eurosystem household finance and consumption survey: A new underlying database for EUROMOD
Sarah Kuypers et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016
NCDMod: A microsimulation model projecting chronic disease and risk factors for Australian adults
Sharyn Lymer et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016
Constructing a synthetic city for estimating spatially disaggregated heat demand
M. Esteban Muñoz H. et al.
Volume 9(3) Winter 2016
Labour supply and demand
Estimating and simulating with a random utility random opportunity model of job choice. Presentation and application to Belgium
Bart Capéau et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Spatial microsimulation
Intertemporal income in Ireland 1996–2011 – a spatial analysis
Paul Kilgarriff et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
A microsimulation model for risk in Irish tillage farming
Jason Loughrey et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Micro-macro linkage
Impact of trade liberalization on poverty in Ethiopia: A computable general equilibrium microsimulation
Kebede Sindu W. et al.
Volume 9(1) Spring 2016