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Labour supply and demand
Estimating and simulating with a random utility random opportunity model of job choice. Presentation and application to Belgium
Bart Capéau et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Taxes and benefits
Improving the validity of microsimulation results: Lessons from Slovakia
Zuzana Siebertova et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016
Micro-macro linkage
Taxes and benefits
Cash transfer policies, taxation and the fall in inequality in Brazil an integrated microsimulation-CGE analysis
Samir Cury et al.
Volume 9(1) Spring 2016
Creating a synthetic database for use in microsimulation models to investigate alternative health care financing strategies in Canada
Deirdre Hennessy et al.
Volume 8(3) Winter 2015
Taxes and benefits
Endogenizing take-up of social assistance in a microsimulation model a case study for Germany
Jürgen Wiemers
Volume 8(2) Autumn 2015
Gijs Dekkers
Volume 8(2) Autumn 2015
Taxes and benefits
Taxation of married couples in Germany and the UK: One-Earner Couples Make the Difference
Stefan Bach et al.
Volume 6(3) Winter 2013
Taxes and benefits
Impact assessment of alternative reforms of child allowances using RUSMOD – the static tax-benefit microsimulation model for Russia
Daria Popova
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Taxes and benefits
The importance of choosing the data set for tax-benefit analysis
Lidia Ceriani et al.
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Taxes and benefits
EUROMOD: The European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model
Holly Sutherland, Francesco Figari
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013