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Taxes and benefits
Microsimulation of child benefits: A review of studies
Ivica Urban, Martina Pezer
Volume 11(3) Winter 2018
Taxes and benefits
Quality assessment of microsimulation models. The case of EUROMOD
Holly Sutherland
Volume 11(1) Spring 2018
A microsimulation model of fertility, childbearing, and child well-being
Adam Thomas et al.
Volume 10(2) Summer 2017
Taxes and benefits
Inequality and household size: A microsimulation for Uruguay
Veronica Amarante
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Micro-macro linkage
Fiscal space and public spending on children in Burkina Faso
John Cockburn et al.
Volume 9(1) Spring 2016
Data and model cross-validation to improve accuracy of microsimulation results: Estimates for the polish household budget survey
Michał Myck, Mateusz Najsztub
Volume 8(1) Spring 2015
Spatial microsimulation
Comparing two methods of reweighting a survey file to small area data
Robert Tanton et al.
Volume 7(1) Spring 2014
Testing the Statistical Significance of Microsimulation Results: A Plea
Tim Goedemé et al.
Volume 6(3) Winter 2013
Taxes and benefits
Impact assessment of alternative reforms of child allowances using RUSMOD – the static tax-benefit microsimulation model for Russia
Daria Popova
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013
Taxes and benefits
EUROMOD: The European Union tax-benefit microsimulation model
Holly Sutherland, Francesco Figari
Volume 6(1) Spring 2013