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Dynamic microsimulation
The dynamic cross-sectional microsimulation model MOSART
Leif Andreassen et al.
Volume 13(1) Spring 2020
Labour supply and demand
What happened to the ‘Great American Jobs Machine’?
Matteo Richiardi et al.
Volume 13(1) Spring 2020
Labour supply and demand
Understanding low female labour force participation: Policy evaluation using microsimulation
Ross Richardson et al.
Volume 12(2) Summer 2019
Pensions and retirement
Care&WorkMOD: An Australian microsimulation model projecting the economic impacts of early retirement in informal carers
Rupendra N Shrestha et al.
Volume 11(3) Winter 2018
Labour supply and demand
Female labour force projections using microsimulation for six EU countries
Ross Richardson et al.
Volume 11(2) Summer 2018
Pensions and retirement
Dynamic microsimulation
The impact of the retirement decision and demographics on pension sustainability: A dynamic microsimulation analysis
Concepció Patxot et al.
Volume 11(2) Summer 2018
Dynamic microsimulation
Increasing the impact of dynamic microsimulation modelling
Cathal O’Donoghue, Gijs Dekkers
Volume 11(1) Spring 2018
Pensions and retirement
Life time pension benefits relative to life time contributions
Dennis Fredriksen, Nils M Stølen
Volume 10(2) Summer 2017
Taxes and benefits
Microreg: A traditional tax-benefit microsimulation model extended to indirect taxes and in-kind transfers
M Luisa Maitino et al.
Volume 10(1) Spring 2017
Taxes and benefits
Improving the validity of microsimulation results: Lessons from Slovakia
Zuzana Siebertova et al.
Volume 9(2) Summer 2016